Great Christmas Present

Great Christmas Present
This is the Battle of the Bionicles (in my Mom's kitchen)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hi, I'm Ben. I'm just getting used to this blog. I love to hunt. I shot five deer last year by luck. We've got some land called the One Forty and we're going to hunt there this year.
The fall weather feels so good, if acorns don't fall on your head. I collect acorns.
We've got a new kitten. We named him Bullet. He is so cute.


  1. Ouch -- I hope no acorns fall on my head!
    I love you! Mom

  2. Hey Ben, I have a feeling you have a blog. Is it raining? Is it snowing? I don't know because I am inside with the windows down.

    Buckbuster9 was a good idea. I like your blog. This is going to be funny.

    love, Jon the Lion-hearted
